Well this week has been a bit random, so far I've not made it to any camps :(
Monday camp was moved to Tuesday as Heidi was away but I started Vida's Freestyle Fitness Yoga class. This was fantastic, I really enjoyed it and can't wait until next Monday. I have been practicing the salutation we were shown every night before getting into bed. Tuesday I had my Zumba class and I haven't been in a few weeks so thought I should go and I was glad I did as I won the most Zumbalishious this week, something that the instructor gives to one person each week...you'd know if you'd ever seen me at Zumba this is not something for people necessarily good at Zumba but just awarded for effort. So a free class for me next week!! I did put allot of effort in but for me Zumba is pretty Freestyle too ;)
I woke up yesterday morning feeling plop...I have caught some germs from somewhere and felt rubbish all day, I got into bed at 5pm and didn't get up until this morning after an awful nights sleep so today I have done some work on lap top but from bed, I want to get rid of this as soon as possible!! I also really want to get to the last camp of this block tomorrow evening. Today I did have to go to the doctors to get my blood test results from last week...I was really pleased that my blood result has gone down to 8 already...this is incredible in just 2 months to reduce it by soooo much, it has also inspired me to, for the first time ever, get my average blood test result to the 'normal' band if 5-7. I am due back in January for this which means getting through a tempting Christmas but I am really keen to keep up my new habits and try and achieve it. I also got a flu jab while I was there so hopefully I be well enough though winter to keep moving :)
This camp I have completely forgotten to measure myself but I still have my measurements from the first camp so time will check to see how that improved too.
The important part is that my blood sugar is the lowest it's been for a long time and I feel healthy too..
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