Thursday, 6 October 2011

Location, location, location....

I have had to move around a bit this week as Monday I felt a bit rubbish so had a nice early night...I did make up for it though by going to Twyford on Tuesday night. It was nice actually doing the class with different people and on concrete which was a new experience for me and helped me put allot more spring in my burpees :D On Wednesday I planned to go to Swallowfield but wasn’t home and ready in time but managed to get to Warfield instead. The nice thing about Fit Camp is the flexibility to go to different locations so you don’t have to commit to the same days and times every week.
After doing two camps in row I’m quite proud to say that I can actually walk today, I have that lovely ache that reminds you you did something but doesn’t have you walking around looking rather suspicious...
I had my blood test yesterday for my Hba1C so will get the results next Wednesday to see what if any improvements have been made to my blood sugar control which is exciting, I’m nervous because I have worked hard to get an improvement and will be upset if it hasn’t got better but I know it takes a long while to improve the average so we will see.
I have also signed up to Vida’s Fitness Yoga starting Monday which I’m really looking forward too, I have wanted to do Yoga for a while but it always seems all a bit mumbo jumbo to me with odd music and candle light and this sounds allot more up my street. This time in 6 weeks I should be able to tie myself in a knot...right??? ;)

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