Friday, 9 September 2011

Little catch up...

Hello!!! Well slight technical error, most likely a user error but a technical error none the less my last blog didn’t upload and now it’s lost cyber grab a cuppa de-caf green tea and I’ll try not to ramble on too much while I catch you up.
So, after Monday I did Wednesday and Saturday camps, both the normal love to hate interval workouts...while doing them you do start to wonder why, why, why but when it’s over you feel so glad you did it and it always help get a brilliant nights sleep.
The following week I had a work trip to Germany, whilst I had planned to be good, eat healthy and do the hotel room workout at least 3 times I feel compelled to be honest with you and say I was a bad egg!! Firstly there is the social aspect of going out for meals with colleagues and selecting food off the menu depending on where we the group decided to eat – in Germany it seems that putting salad or vegetables with baked potatoes or grilled meats is slightly alien...I had some delicious food don’t get me wrong but it wasn’t something that would be considered healthy. The office was in the middle of a trading estate so the lunch option was a supermarket or what was essentially an off license so naturally in the interest of keeping my job and my some of dignity I selected the supermarket where you could get sandwiches, pizza, cakes & pretzels – It was a wheat fest!!! I just had a salad and cheese sandwich each day so not too bad in scheme of things. The other black hole I fell into was alcohol – you can’t go to Germany and not have a one litre beer right?? and I can’t go anywhere it seems with out having a was a jam packed week with work and then going straight out for meals so I was naughty I admit it. So, I guess you want to know what effect this week away had on my you might suspect the tummy area increased (although all other areas arms, legs etc stayed the same) and worse than that my blood sugars were all over the show! Up and down and out of control. This obviously isn’t healthy but also has a massive effect on my energy levels. I got home late Friday night with all good intentions of going to camp Saturday morning but slept through my alarm and didn’t wake up until 11:15!
I spent the rest of the weekend washing of course and shopping to top my fridge back up with healthy foods again. I missed smoothies so much, I’m considering getting shares in Innocent! I was so happy to see the smiling face of innocent smoothies in Tesco I can’t tell you.
Monday I was back on the wagon with a bag full of fruit and nuts to take to work for snacks and healthy meals back on the menu I headed to camp on Monday alive was my punishment waiting for me. From Holland with Love...that wasn’t love I’m sure :D I found it really hard because of my laziness from the previous week more than anything I think after completing the 45 minute work out I headed home for a shower and bed! I felt great for doing it though so it was all worth it. I did have a hypo in the night that night, I think this was down to my body forgetting what exercise is and me over doing my insulin forgetting that I’m not eating starchy foods and exercising, it was easily resolved with a glass of sugared water and a fruit smoothie.
On Wednesday night we re-did the fit test from day one and that was well exciting for me...I love it!! We were given our results for week one I planned to beat every single one no matter what. I psyched myself up and went for it, I really surprised myself how much I’d improved for the past 3 & ½ weeks I have been thinking about how fit camp has effected my blood sugar, how it effected my weight, how many inches I’d lost but I’d completed ruled out how much fitter I was becoming...silly as the name does suggest that fitness would be a side effect of a fit camp by hey I’m blonde and it can’t be helped. I will be getting my results back so will share them with you as I can’t remember off the top of my head but I can tell you I smashed the hell out of that fit test and I was very happy with myself.
I have a big party to go to this weekend so I think I might head to camp tonight to give me all day tomorrow to get myself sorted for the party so this is the last one. I had only planned to do one but I have to admit I am addicted and I have signed up for September camp already and can’t wait.
We have a week off next week but I am going to try and do a couple little 2-3 mile runs to keep me in the mood especially as the first week of September camp I have another week long work trip away with work which means I’ll miss the whole first week...After next camp I will be booking in for my blood test so we can really see how I’m doing...scary spiders :)